Background on Southbridge Public Schools:
Southbridge Public Schools serve approximately 2,200 students in six schools. The district is presently undergoing extensive turnaround at all levels, with the assistance of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This creates unique opportunities for teachers and students. One example is a long-term partnership with the University of Connecticut to develop Southbridge Schools to be a national demonstration site for successful implementation of PBIS strategies. Additionally, the district is the recipient of a number of significant grants that allow Secondary School redesign, curriculum enhancements, improved culture and climate and afterschool opportunities for students. If you feel strongly about improving the educational experience for students and have a commitment to social justice, Southbridge Public Schools welcomes you.
More information about Southbridge Public Schools can be found here.
Position Description: The Elementary Literacy Coach is responsible for developing and implementing job embedded professional learning to K - 5 teachers. The Elementary Literacy Coach will provide literacy support for faculty and staff that is consistent with, and fulfills the requirements of the District Literacy Plan. The Literacy Coach works closely with building leaders, district leadership and external partners to accomplish the goals of the District Literacy Plan.
Preferred Qualifications
1. M. Ed. in reading, education, special education, or related field.
2. Three to five years prior K-5 teaching experience preference for reading teacher and/or
classroom teacher.
3. Valid MA Reading certification with documented reading coursework.
4. Experience and skill as a coach or mentor for teachers on literacy related topics.
5. Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills.
6. Deep understanding of scientifically based reading research and evidence-based practices
for teaching K- 5 literacy, assessment of student growth, change process, and adult learning.
7. Ability to work independently
Major Responsibilities Professional Learning: Leadership, Instruction, and Assessment
- Provide resources, demonstration materials, and training on scientifically research-based practices in literacy instruction in collaboration with the district’s technical support partners.
- Develop and implement professional learning on release days and faculty meetings.
Mentor and model for teachers the use of effective strategies and instructional practices
for struggling readers.
Serve as catalyst in building a professional learning community that focuses on
integrated learning, supporting vertical articulation of instruction, and assessment within and across grade levels.
Support the school assessment team and classroom teachers in the administration of
school-based assessments, analysis of data, and use of data to inform instruction (e.g., grouping, identifying students for supplemental instruction or intensive interventions).
Participate in leadership trainings and coaches’ meetings to support the internal
coaching efforts and leadership teams to apply the content in the school context.
- All other reasonable requests as determined by the Receiver and or designee.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Southbridge Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, religion, age, or sexual orientation. |