Background on Southbridge Public Schools:

Southbridge Public Schools serve approximately 2,200 students in six schools. The district is presently undergoing extensive turnaround at all levels, with the assistance of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This creates unique opportunities for teachers and students. One example is a recently announced, long-term partnership with the University of Connecticut to develop Southbridge Schools to be a national demonstration site for successful implementation of PBIS strategies. Additionally, our district is the recipient of a number of significant grants that are allowing us to creatively redesign Secondary School, curriculum enhancements, improved culture and climate and after-school opportunities for students. If you feel strongly about improving the educational experience for students and have a commitment to social justice, Southbridge Public Schools welcomes you.



More information about the district’s turnaround efforts can be found here.


Job description

The Southbridge Public Schools data department is looking for a candidate to help contribute to development of clean, automated, and sustainable data systems. This role will be responsible for maintaining the data quality housed in our student information system, managing the integrations between data sources, completing DESE state reports, and additional data team tasks as they arise. This will include cleaning current data, reforming data input processes to ensure clean data entry, as well as creating data validations within the database to ensure the sustainability of clean data. This will also include rostering and managing our various online data sources (ex: McGraw Hill, HMH, Clever, etc). 


The candidate will be expected to work with a team to troubleshoot the day to day SIS data errors, errors in integrations with data sources, rostering issues, etc.




Managing Rostering Data/Data Integrations


Data Management


State Reporting


Ad Hoc/ Day-to-Day Requests


Expected Knowledge & Skills


Preferred Knowledge & Skills


Equal Opportunity Employer

Southbridge Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, religion, age, or sexual orientation.